Announcements for the Week Ahead

We have in-person worship at our normal worship times: 

Sundays at 8 and 11 am. 

The livestream links for worship can be found here. 

Sweetheart Dinner

This year's dinner will be held on Saturday, February 15th. Tickets are now on sale at services. $20 per person. Free children's meal and childcare included for children under 12! Proceeds benefit the National Youth Gathering trip to New Orleans in July!


Sunday, Feb 16th, following the 11am worship service, there will be a Congregational Town Hall meeting to discuss the proposed changes to our Constitution, Bylaws, and Governance structure. There will be a 2nd Town Hall meeting on Wednesday, February 19th at 6pm. Concordia will also hold a Town Hall meeting on Feb 9th following their 9:30am worship service. You may attend any of these meetings to learn more about the proposed changes that will be voted on soon. 

Here are the documents to review prior to the meeting:

Mt Olive Constitution and Bylaws - This is the current constitution and bylaws document for Mt Olive.

Mt Olive Constitution 1-15-25 - This document contains the proposed changes for a newly updated constitution for Mt Olive.

Mt Olive Bylaws 1-15-25 - This document contains the proposed changes to the bylaws of Mt Olive. 

2025-2-1 Board Governance Policy Manual - This document outlines the proposed changes to our governance structure. It also contains the "desired outcomes policies," a broad set of ministry initiatives being proposed for the coming year.


Watch for an announcement about the special Voter's Meeting to vote on these changes coming soon!

Labors of Love

“This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.

And we ought to lay down our lives for one another.” – 1 Jn. 3:16

Through our “Labors of Love” ministry we are looking to do two things: (1) love our neighbors-in-need in tangible and meaningful ways, and (2) mobilize the people in our neighborhoods in loving their neighbors in meaningful and tangible ways. In other words, we want to partner with our neighbors in Rockford, Loves Park, and Machesney Park in loving their neighbors and our neighbors. If you would like assistance, please click here to complete and submit the labor request. If you have a pressing immediate need for assistance, please call the church office: 815-399-3171.

In the months with FIVE Saturdays on the fifth Saturday of the month (For 2025: March 29th, May 31st, August 30th, and Nov. 29th) we are asking the members of Mt. Olive and Concordia Lutheran Churches, and others living in our neighborhoods to make yourselves available to respond to our/your neighbors’ requests for labor assistance. To become a “Labor of Love Volunteer” please complete the volunteer application form by clicking here.

Revelations Bible Study

The study is led by Pastor David Yarrington.

Of all the Books of the Bible perhaps none speaks more to our time in history than St. John's Revelation. For example: Revelation speaks of the tension between living as a disciple of Christ in a secular and godless society and government. SOUND FAMILIAR? In the pages of Revelation, God speaks his judgment on humanity, His promise of what is to come and we hear God’s warning to prepare for the end of time. Above all, Revelation reminds us of the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus, the Son of God and Savior of the world. Click here for the bible study.

Our congregational memory verse is Mark 16:16.


Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...

Ministry Highlights

  • Christian Arts Institute

    Click HERE to find out what offerings are available through our Christian Arts Institute, to request more information, or sign up for music lessons!

  • Faith legacy Seminars

    Click HERE to learn more about Faith Legacy Seminars for infants - 12th graders and their parents!