Bible Studies


“Let the word of Christ dwell within you richly….” – Colossians 3:16

Bible Studies & Missional Communities


Sunday Classes


Connections – 9:30 am @ Church in the Great Room – Leaders: Multiple Members of our congregation

Connections is Christian Education for the whole congregation! Any and all households are welcome to join this "faith family" as we study familiar accounts from scripture, applying God's truth to our lives. We begin and end our time each week with brief intergenerational components.  Unpacking and discussing the lesson happens in appropriate age groups for students and adults. Let's take time to CONNECT - with one another and with the Word! 


The Book of Revelation –   9:30 am @ Church in the downstairs classroom- Led by Pastor David Yarrington.

Of all the Books of the Bible perhaps none speaks more to our time in history than St. John's Revelation. For example: Revelation speaks of the tension between living as a disciple of Christ in a secular and godless society and government. SOUND FAMILIAR? In the pages of Revelation, God speaks his judgment on humanity, His promise of what is to come and we hear God’s warning to prepare for the end of time. Above all, Revelation reminds us of the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus, the Son of God and Savior of the world.


Monday Classes


 “Following Jesus Through the Gospels” – 10:00 am @ Church in the Great Room – Leader: Bill Cullen

This study approaches the four Gospels as Jesus’ discipling course for his follower (both 2000 years ago and today). In the study participants will read, reflect on, and discuss both the teachings of Jesus through both Jesus’ words and through His deeds. Participants will also observe and discuss how the different people Jesus encountered responded to both His person and to His message. The course is meant to enable participants to be discipled by \Jesus today.


Tuesday Classes


Ladies Bible Study – “Experiencing Contagious Joy”  2nd & 4th Tuesdays – 10:00 am in variety of members home (contact Sue Kolb for details – 815-708-1802

 St Paul encourages us to “Rejoice in the Lord always” (Philippians 4:4). Join us as we discover how.


Wednesday Classes


"Life of the Beloved - Spiritual Living in a Secular World." – 10:00 am @ Church, Downstairs, Rm #2 in the Education Wing – Leader: Jeannie Newton

This study group will read Henri Nouwen's book, "Life of the Beloved - Spiritual Living in a Secular World." In this work, Nouwen gets to the heart of our life as a Christian as he explores the implications of the truth that each of us is a redeemed and beloved child of God. Cost of the book is $13.00. Order on your own, or contact Jeannie Newton for the group order by 9/17



Thursday Classes


Jesus: Our LORD and Savior – 6:30 pm via ZOOM – Leader: Bill Cullen

As Christians we call Jesus our “Lord and Savior” and rightly so. However, when we call Jesus “Lord and Savior” what are we really saying? In this class we will continue to celebrate and rejoice in the fact that Jesus is indeed our SAVIOR eternally as well as in the present. However, the focus of the study will be on true discipleship. – What does it mean to call Jesus LORD and to follow Him each and everyday? Following Jesus has Lord, while including Christian piety, is really about mission. Jesus is a missional God and to follow Him is to join Him in His mission, actively proclaiming  and “loving people to Jesus,”  advancing His Kingdom on earth as well as in heaven.  The link to join the Zoom study is:

Saturday Class


Heilsgeschichte Via Biblical Eras – 9:00 am (1st & 3rd Saturday) @ Mt Olive in the Great Room, led by Bill Cullen (Breakfast included)

 This class is designed to help participants how the individual pieces (e.g., Bible stories) fit into the big picture of God’s salvation and restoration plan. It is also designed to help each  of us as individuals fits in as a part of God’s plan in redeeming and restoring His creation.


Vocation: The Priesthood of All Believers & The Pastoral Epistles – 2nd, 4th & 5th  Saturdays, 9:00 @ Church, Downstairs, Rm #2 in the Education Wing – Leader: Bill Cullen

 The "priesthood of all believers" was one of the major tenets of the Reformation. with both Martin Luther and John Calvin serving as its major champions. Biblically, the concept of the "priesthood of all believers" is found throughout Scripture (see Exodus 19:6; 1 Peter 2:9). 


In this study we will explore what Scripture means and what the reformers meant when they talk of a "kingdom of priests" and a "royal priesthood" of which all Christians are a part, and how the ministry of "pastor/shepherd" is a subset of this priesthood. We will also look at 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus (known as "the Pastoral Epistles") and what they have to say to pastors and to those of us in the more encompassing priesthood of all believers. This is a valuable study at any time, but perhaps particularly valuable now during our pastoral vacancy. 


Missional Communities



6:30 pm – 8:00 pm (2nd Monday only) – Missional Community @ Bill Cullen’s home (includes dinner), led by Bill Cullen. Anyone and everyone is invited on any and all 1st Mondays, however, if you think you will be joining the group please let Bill know at least 12 hours in advance so that he has enough food on hand.

 4509 Linder Place, Rockford, IL  61107 – Corner of Linder Place & Springbrook Ave.

Cell: 815-713-7072 – email:



6:30 pm – 8:00 (3rd  Monday only) – ZOOM Missional Community led by Bill Cullen. Anyone and everyone is invited on any and all 3rd  Mondays. There is no spoken or unspoken “expected” attendance policy. Check us out! Come as often as you are interested and able. The link to join the Zoom Missional Community is:



6:30 pm – 8:00 (1st Tuesday only) – ZOOM Missional Community led by Bill Cullen. Anyone and everyone is invited on any and all 2nd  Tuesdays. There is no spoken or unspoken “expected” attendance policy. Check us out! Come as often as you are interested and able. The link to join the Zoom Missional Community is:


6:00 pm (2nd  & 4th Thursdays) – Missional Community led by Karen Freudenberg

Discipling Handbook

When the Holy Spirit brings a person to saving faith in Jesus Christ (be it through infant baptism, reading Scripture, someone sharing with him or her God’s message, or some other means) the person has been “born again” and is a Christian. Jesus, through His Spirit now indwells him or her. Jesus lives in that person.

Just as a human infant is fully human at birth (really at conception), so a person is fully Christian when s/he is “born again.” However, just as a human infant, although fully human, is not yet fully developed or mature, so a Christian, although fully Christian when s/he is “born again” (comes to faith), is not yet fully developed or mature. Jesus lives in him/her, but Jesus is not yet fully “formed” in him or her. Developing and maturing as a Christian is a lifelong process. Although we do not become “more Christian” through this developing and maturing, through this developing and maturing Jesus does become more fully formed in us. 

As Jesus becomes more fully developed and formed in us, we become increasingly transformed into His image, His likeness. We do not become more Christian, but we do become more Christ-like. As Jesus increasingly is formed in us, His presence and character are increasingly demonstrated and experienced in and through us in the fruit of His indwelling presence: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control. 

To be a disciple is more than being a “believer” who knows salvation through Jesus’ cleansing blood, and it is more than living by a certain “moral code.” While being a disciple of Christ most certainly includes knowing salvation and living by a moral code, it is much more than that. To be a disciple is to be a “follower,” and to be a follower of Jesus is to be a person of mission and in mission, for Jesus is a missionary God. He is a God of mission in mission. This means we are to be “fishers of men [+ women and children]”, to love as Jesus loves, and to bear fruit. Jesus tells us: "Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men.""A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.""This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples."

Public worship, Bible study, and Christian fellowship are important activities meant to feed and nurture discipleship, but they are not the primary evidence of discipleship. The primary evidence of discipleship is seen in and through the missional lives we live in our daily environments – our regular and natural spheres of influence. It is in loving (agape) all those we encounter. Discipleship (being a disciple and discipling others) is the process of Jesus increasingly becoming formed in us and of our becoming more and more Christ-like (doing what Jesus did and does). This handbook has been developed and put together to aid in that process. 

Think of this handbook as a toolbox in which you have a variety of tools. A carpenter picks and chooses the tool(s) s/he will use depending both upon the job needing to be done, and, also upon his or her skill level. Individuals and groups using this handbook need to pick and choose the tools in it that best fits the occasion in which they are using it and the particular participants involved. There is no “one” way to use the handbook or tools, nor even a “best” way. Pray for guidance and get creative in your use of the various sections and tools herein – make them work for you! My prayer is that users of these materials might grow not merely in knowledge, but in discipleship – in their personal relationship with Jesus and in their following Jesus in missional living as they grow in Christlikeness. May God guide and bless you. - Bill Cullen


Find the Discipling Handbook here.

Find the Discipling Handbook Companion here.  Grow your Christian faith with these Bible study resources.

Worship Resources

Join us for online worship with our live stream each Sunday at 8am. This week's service can be viewed here.

You can also see previous services here at our YouTube channel.

Personal Study Resources

Dr. Bill Cullen has prepared a variety of resources on a variety of subjects to aid your personal and/or group study.  Click on the red titles to download. We hope these bless and strengthen your Christian walk!

Bible Study Resources

Aides for Personal & Group Bible Study: Dr. Cullen's resource for anyone interested in digging deeper into personal and devotional Bible study.

Genesis Study Guide: to accompany personal or group study of Genesis

Exodus Study Guide: to accompany personal or group study of Exodus

Leviticus Study Guide: to accompany personal or group study of Leviticus

Numbers Study Guide: to accompany personal or group study of Numbers

Deuteronomy Study Guide: to accompany personal or group study of Deuteronomy

Joshua Study Guide: to accompany personal or group study of Joshua.

Judges Study Guide: to accompany personal or group study of Judges.

Ruth Study Guide: to accompany personal or group study of Ruth.

1 Samuel Study Guide: to accompany personal or group study of 1 Samuel.

2 Samuel Study Guide: to accompany personal or group study of 2 Samuel.

1 Kings Study Guide: to accompany personal or group study of 1 Kings.

2 Kings Study Guide: to accompany personal or group study of 2 Kings.

Ezra Study Guide: to accompany personal or group study of Ezra.

Nehemiah Study Guide: to accompany personal or group study of Nehemiah.

Psalms Study Guide: to accompany personal or group study of Psalms.

Proverbs Study Guide: to accompany personal or group study of Proverbs.

Ecclesiastes Study Guide: to accompany personal or group study of Ecclesiastes.

Isaiah Study Guide: to accompany personal or group study of Isaiah.

Jeremiah Study Guide: to accompany personal or group study of Jeremiah.

Daniel Study Guide: to accompany personal or group study of Daniel.

Micah Study Guide: to accompany personal or group study of Micah.

Habakkuk Study Guide: to accompany personal or group study of Habakkuk.

Post-Exilic Prophets Study Guide: to accompany personal or group study on Haggai, Zechariah, Joel, and Malachi.

The Minor Prophets Study Guide: to accompany personal or group study on the Minor Prophets.

Following Jesus in the Gospels: This bible study guide will assist you for learning to do and doing what Jesus does with the same heart, mind, and demeanor of Jesus as you study the Four Gospels. It uses the Gospels as Jesus' Discipling Course.

Gospel of Matthew Study Guide: to accompany personal or group study of Matthew.

Gospel of Mark Participant's Guide: to accompany personal or group study of Mark.

Gospel of Mark Devotional: to accompany personal or group study of Mark.

Gospel of Luke Study Guide: to accompany personal or group study of Luke.

Gospel of John study guide -to accompany personal or group study of John.

Acts Study Guide: to accompany personal or group study of Acts.

Romans Study Guide: to accompany personal or group study of Romans. 

1st Corinthians study guide - to accompany personal or group study of 1st Corinthians.

2nd Corinthians study guide - to accompany personal or group study of 2nd Corinthians.

Galatians Study Guide: to accompany personal or group study of Galatians.

Ephesians Study Guide: to accompany personal or group study of Ephesians.

Philippians Study Guide: to accompany personal or group study of Philippians.

Colossians Study Guide: to accompany personal or group study of Colossians.

1st & 2nd Thessalonians Study Guide: to accompany personal group study of Thessalonians. 

Pastoral Epistles: to accompany personal or group study of Timothy, Titus and more.

Hebrews Study Guide: to accompany personal or group study of Hebrews.

James Study Guide: to accompany personal or group study of James.

1st & 2nd Peter Study Guide: to accompany personal or group study of Peter.

1st Epistle of John Study Guideto accompany personal or group study of 1st John.

One Chapter Epistles Study Guide: to accompany personal or group study of Philemon, 2 John, 3 John, Jude.

Heilsgeschichte: a comprehensive study on the unfolding of God's covenant promises

For Us, In Us, Through Us: a study on our relationship with Jesus and our living missionally in the world.

Discipleship Resources

A Life Journey with JesusA basic assessment and planning tool to assess where one is in and on her/his spiritual journey and to plan for the next step(s) to be taken.

Discipleship Is Not OptionalJesus doesn’t ask those who receive Him as Savior if they would like to grow in a faith relationship with Him and follow Him in mission. It is an expectation and calling in being Christian.

Personal Beliefs InventoryA survey to identify a person’s basic beliefs and world view as they relate to God, themselves, and some of our pressing contemporary issues.

Planning Guide

Missional Communities & Neighborhoods: Good news in the neighborhood. A resource to better understand the outreach opportunities at Mt. Olive.

Discipling for Missional Living: An 8 hour discipling seminar. Discipling In & Through Small Group Discipling Communities.

Disciple, Discipling, Discipleship: An article guessed, it, what it means to be a Disciple! 

“The Priesthood of All Believers” – Love: the Vocation of All Christians: A tool to help groups and individual better understand how their role and how they fit into God’s plan of the redemption and restoration of His creation.

Activating the Church : A resource for honing vision in mission. This can be applied to our daily lives, as well as our church lives. 

Jesus did not Come to Set Up a Program: A tool to get us to think about how we "do" church, and what assumptions we bring to church work.

Cutting to Grow: Who do we want to be? Who does God want us to be? What gets in the way and needs to be pruned?

Mission/Outreach Resources

Called To

Christians Wakeup: Evangelism Is Not OptionalIsrael was to be a light to lighten the Gentiles, so are we. Jesus said the mark of a Christian is to love as He loves. At His ascension with the GREAT COMMISSION Jesus give us our marching orders. St. Paul says as Jesus’ new creations we are Jesus’ ambassadors and His ministers of reconciliation. Our calling is not merely to a personal faith and/or moral piety. It is to and for salvific mission.

“Come, Follow Me” Discipleship/Apprenticeship = Outreach MinistriesBible study on Outreach

Neighboring Seminar handout- What does it mean to be a neighbor, and how can this be part of our Christian mission?

Five Point Friend - advice on intentional friendship

Proclaiming the Gospel Vs Defending the Gospel: What is the difference and why is it important?

Education Resources

Being Strategic in Christian Education: A resource to get us thinking about missional thinking in discipleship and education.

Christian Education Using the Social Sciences: Using educational theory and methodologies to enrich the teaching-learning experience

Teaching With Humility: Education Vs Indoctrination: A guide on this nuanced distinction and how it comes to bear on the effectiveness of our teaching. 

Word Study--Kingdom: A detailed guide on how to do a Biblical word study and teach concepts surrounding the Bible's references to the Kingdom

Word Study--Love: A detailed guide on how to do a Biblical word study and teach concepts surrounding the Bible's various love languages

Theology Resources

Luther's Theology: an introductory guide to some of Luther's theology

Luther's Treatise on Christian Liberty: a guide for the study and application of this core text on Lutheran discipleship

Law and Gospel: This is a phrase we hear a lot, but how do we understand it?

Justification and Sanctification: Two integral concepts with a lot to unpack. A guide for doing so. 

One Way to Measure Spiritual Maturity: What does it mean to have spiritual maturity?

The Ethic of Love: Scripture and LutherA modified and simplified rendering of Dr. Bill Cullen’s doctoral work written for small group study and discussion.

Confession with Conviction: notes on understanding confession, conviction and forgiveness

Christ For Us, Christ In Us, Christ Through Us

Join Pastor Alex and Dr. Bill Cullen as they lead us through Galatians for the Lenten season.

Each part of the study will look through the lens of Christ For Us, Christ In Us, and Christ Through Us. Click on the links below for the bible study and discussion questions.

Christ For Us-Part OneDiscussion Questions

Christ For Us-Part Two -  Discussion Questions

Christ In Us-Part One

Christ In Us-Part TwoDiscussion Questions

Christ Through Us-Part One - Discussion Questions

Christ Through Us-Part Two

High Deep and Wide- 

Summer Sermon Series Bible Studies

This July we explore our mission identity at Mt. Olive: loving people to Jesus by being

High in Worship,

Deep in the Word, and

Wide in Witness.

Are these just fun slogans for our church or are Worship, Word, Witness a more central aspect of God’s plan for his Church?

As we focus on this aspects of our mission in our sermon series, our prayer is that we grow more into the full biblical story as we “Love People to Jesus".

Below are the links to the bible studies written by Dr. Bill Cullen to accompany the sermon series.

High Deep and Wide- Loving People to Jesus - Bible Study

HIGH-Worship With Variety- Bible Study

DEEP-Going Deep With Jesus Through His Word- Bible Study

WIDE-Witness Through Word and Deed-Bible Study

Following Jesus With James - Bible Study

The book of James is a challenge for Christians of all times and places as the half brother of our Lord bids the Church to live out its confession of faith. In his relevant call to embody our discipleship, James provides wisdom for how to be Christians in the world in difficult times. He addresses the hard topics of temptation, prayer, where we find wisdom, how we use our words for teaching others, the stress caused in communities of faith by attending the needs of the rich and ignoring the poor, among others. Throughout all these topics we hear in James' words the echo of Jesus' own teaching found in the gospels, freshly applied to the needs of contemporary Christian living. This makes this a book worth exploring as we listen to the living voice of our Savior.

We are excited to invite you all to join us, this lententide, in "Following Jesus with James.", produced by Pastor Alex, Pastor Krause, and Dr. Bill Cullen.

Week 1: James 1:1-18  Maturing Through Trials- Pastor Alex video

Discussion questions click here.

Handout for bible study click here.

Week 2: James 1:19-27 Hearing and Doing the Word- Pastor Krause video

Discussion questions click here.

Handout for bible study click here.

Week 3: James 2:1-26 Faith Displayed Through Works- Dr. Bill Cullen video

Discussion questions click here.

Handout for bible study click here.

Week 4: James 3 Faith Displayed Through Works and Wisdom-Pastor Krause video

Discussion questions click here.

Handout for bible study click here.

Week 5: James 4 Wars and Battles- Pastor Alex video

Discussion questions click here.

Handout for bible study click here.

Week 6: James 5 Following Jesus in Mission- Dr. Bill Cullen video

Discussion questions click here.

Handout for bible study click here.

God's Story Our Mission

God's Story Our Mission Curriculum

This Bible Study is a church-wide small group series, with a curriculum written by Pastor Alex.

Week 1 video lesson available HERE

Week 1 participant guide available HERE

Week 1 facilitator's guide available HERE

Week 2 video lesson available HERE

Week 2 participant guide available HERE

Week 2 facilitator's guide available HERE

Week 3 Video Lesson available HERE

Week 3 participant guide available HERE

Week 3 facilitator's guide available HERE

Week 4 Video Lesson available HERE

Week 4 participant guide available HERE

Week 4 facilitator's guide available HERE

Week 5 Video Lesson HERE

Week 5  participant guide available HERE

Week 5 facilitator's guide available HERE

Week 6 Video Lesson HERE

Week 6 participant guide available HERE

Week 6 facilitator's guide available HERE

Week 7 Video Lesson HERE

Week 7 guide for both facilitators and participants HERE

Week 8 Video Lesson HERE

Week 8 guide for both facilitators and participants HERE

Week 9 Video Lesson HERE

Week 9 guide for both facilitators and participants HERE

1st Peter Bible Study

Click HERE for Session 1

Click HERE for Session 2

Click HERE for Session 3

Click HERE for Session 4

Click HERE for Session 5

Click HERE for Session 6

Click HERE for Session 7

Click HERE for Session 8

Click HERE for Session 9